Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves

Rabiha Mubeen
4 min readFeb 11, 2021

Hi beautiful souls, much love to you all 🤗 🤗

Today I want to share my thoughts on this eye-opening quote by Confucius. The aim is to make us self-reflect on our thoughts & actions and truly understand why is it absolutely necessary to be self-aware [this is what I experienced through this quote] 😌

[You can also watch the video on this topic here]

What is Revenge!!

Well simply put.. revenge is an attempt to ‘get even’ by inflicting (similar or not) harm to the person who initially harmed the person seeking revenge.

When someone hurts us, most often (by giving away control) we want to take revenge, by hurting that person; believing that it will relieve us from the pain we are feeling or, at least give us some sort of satisfaction. However, as Confucius so accurately puts it — whenever we seek revenge, it is not just that other person who suffers but also ourselves, meaning we destroy our own lives too. Hence, dig 2 graves.

Everything in the universe is vibrating at a specific frequency.

The frequency we allow our thoughts to vibrate on determines our reality.

David R. Hawkins in his book ‘Power v Force’ presents this (below) diagram that shows the vibrational frequency of our different emotions. Meaning, each and every emotion that we feel, has a frequency. Like if I am angry then m vibrating at the frequency of 150, which involves living under survival belief and seeing my life as limiting and full of suffering.

Love has a frequency of 500, Joy 540, and Peace 600. They are the most positive frequencies where you experience ultimate love for yourself & Also love for all beings together as a whole. For instance, when we feel love, on a spiritual level, we actually align ourselves with the frequency of love i.e., 500 where we are capable of making great achievements being in a flow state. So much so, that even if the possibilities are not clearly visible, it does not matter much because the will to do a certain thing is so strong that having a clear path is not at all necessary. What is necessary is that ‘it should vibe with our being’.

On the other hand, Revenge is the result of desire, anger, and grief. Hence, it vibrates at a frequency of between 20 to 175, which is a very low vibrational frequency. It is also known as negative frequency, limited frequency (where we limit ourselves due to our limiting beliefs), or just simply contracted frequency as opposed to expanded frequency.

Living at a lower frequency is never pleasant. It is absolutely a destroyer of hope and love. It is the result of living an unconscious life. It shows that our happiness depends on something or someone else, other than ourselves.

David R. Hawkins mentions that 95–99% of the world’s population is living at a contracted frequency i.e., below 200.

Hence it becomes all the more necessary to raise our vibration to be able to live in joy, in love, and in peace.

“What Goes Around… Comes Around”

When we seek a negative vibrational frequency like revenge, fear, anger, or hatred, we attract that frequency in our lives too. The more energy we give to an emotion (or anything), the more we attract it in accordance with the law of energy. Being unconscious, we get caught up in an endless revenge loop i.e., we take revenge, then they take revenge on our revenge, and the cycle continues.

When we put our precious time into seeking revenge, we neglect to work on our personal growth which interrupts our progress and productivity, giving us no time to observe and self-reflect. We become so blinded by revenge when we could have instead added some valuable contribution to this amazing world.

This makes us regret our lost time, and then again ‘Regret’ itself is a low vibrational frequency…

As Mahatma Gandhi said — “An eye for an eye, only ends up making the whole world blind”.

Seeking or not seeking revenge is a choice.

It is ultimately our decision to choose to be conscious or unconscious of our very thoughts.

It is our decision and RESPONSIBILITY towards this universe, to take control of our thoughts and actions to end the cycle of endless loop. Life is precious so we should enjoy each and every moment. We should declutter our hearts and minds regularly to make room for new positive experiences to be able to live a more meaningful life.

So… Is REVENGE worth it?

The answer is NO.



Rabiha Mubeen

Hey guys, what’s up? On this page, I share my perspective about life, people, nature, love, spiritual vibrations, chakras, and so much more…Thnx for visiting :)